Global Careers Network is committed to operating its business in an environmentally sensitive way with proper regard to its legal obligations and according to relevant directives, regulations and codes of practice including but not limited to:
- Climate Change Act 2008 (amended 2019).
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002.
- Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991.
- Environmental Protection Act 1990.
- Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
- Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013.
Commitment to Prevention of Pollution & Environmentally Sound Practices
Global Careers Network recognises that its operations have an effect on the local, regional and global environment. In light of this, we are committed to continuous improvements in environmental performance and the prevention of pollution.
As an SME (defined under the Companies Act 2006), we are not obliged to report energy and carbon information under the SECR framework.
Environmental Management Programme
Whilst Global Careers Network does not produce any emissions or pollutants that come under the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations issued by DEFRA, we have identified that our most significant environmental impacts are:
The principles of our Environmental Policy are:
- Eliminate our environmental harm risk
- Achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2035
- Reducing or eliminating waste as far as possible
Eliminating Environmental Harm risk
We have conducted an audit and assessment of our environmental risks and even though we inherently low risk by nature of our activity, we have in place Environmental Management Procedures, which are routinely reviewed and updates as necessary, such we can be assured that we have eliminate harm risk.
Achieving Net Zero Carbon
In addition, to align with the Climate Change Act 2008 (amendment 2019) we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint with the objective of achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2035. We are achieving this by implementing our Carbon Reduction Strategy (which can be found on our website here, which follows the following principles:
Having in place a robust carbon accounting platform which provides monthly carbon impact information, including setting carbon intensity metrics.
Understanding our sources of emissions, and prioritising them according to size of impact, and ease and pace of mitigation measures.
Delivering a programme of specific actions, including:
- Sourcing electricity from renewable sources.
- Reducing business travel – particularly through conducting meetings via video conferencing wherever possible.
- Reducing energy usage – through use of LED lighting systems, setting thermostats correctly, never leaving equipment on standby connecting water coolers, boilers etc to timer switches so they are not in use when the building is unoccupied.
- Sustainable procurement – including sustainability and carbon reduction considerations when making purchasing decisions including using recycled products and evaluating supplier environmental credentials for tier 1 purchases.
Reducing or eliminating waste
- Recycling of paper, card, glass, tins/cans and plastic – through provision of appropriate recycling facilities in offices and use of an authorised waste carrier to dispose of recyclable waste to ensure it ends up where it should.
- Recycling furniture and equipment – including IT equipment, mobile phones and office furniture to local charities and schools.
- Responsible disposal of unrecyclable waste (WEEE) – we will dispose of WEEE in alignment with legislation/regulation and maintain records to prove that it has been disposed of in an environmentally sound way.
- Recycling consumables – particularly printer cartridges
Policy Implementation, Monitoring & Checking
The Environment and Sustainability Officer is responsible for co-ordinating and updating our environmental policy and for ensuring that it is communicated to all employees. Responsibilities of the Environment and Sustainability Officer include:
- An annual audit of the company’s carbon footprint (including obtaining data from staff in a standardised reporting format for the annual compilation of our Carbon Reduction Plan)
- An annual assessment of the company’s energy consumption together with observations on how this may be reduced without impacting the needs of the business.
- Implementation and review of environmental criteria for procurement of consumables and auditing this to ensure the most environmentally friendly choices are made.
- Provision of facilities for segregation and recycling of waste.
- Training and communication to staff in all aspects of the policy.
- Meeting all relevant environmental legislation.
Communication of the Policy
Global Careers Network will continually raise environmental awareness through employee training and open communication with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders.
All employees are expected to comply with our Environmental Policy and comply with any procedures we put in place. Deliberate disregard of procedures outlined in our Environmental Policy will be considered a disciplinary offence.
We fully support any Environmental Policies and Procedures implemented by our Clients and have a Carbon Reduction Plan which is updated annually to demonstrate our progress to achieving Net Zero by 2035.
This policy will be reviewed annually in alignment with our Carbon Reduction Plan and may be altered in light of legislative changes or other prevailing circumstances.